Trail Gang
Young Adults ages 14 and up may volunteer to assist Ranger Joe with getting our trails ready for the summer. The Trail Gang is a great way to spend time on the beautiful BH trails and rack up some Community Service hours for that college application.

2023 Trail Gang
The first trail gang of the 2023 season got off to a great start by maintaining over 10 miles of trails in Jenkins Woods, and on Chestnut and Spruce Mountains. Highlights of their work include scoping out a new trail on Chestnut Mountain that will lead to a great viewpoint, and removing many of the invasive Tree of Heaven along the Spruce Mountain power alley that are the favorite food source of the destructive Spotted Lanternfly.
2022 Trail Gang
2022 was a busy year for two trail gangs, who spent the better part of two weeks during the summer to maintain the trails on Chestnut Mountain and post the perimeter with new Foundation signs.
In total we had eight volunteers working together over the course of two weeks, logging over 140 hours of community service. Under Ranger Joe’s supervision, they successfully maintained over 7 miles of trails and posted over 500 signs while walking over 21 miles.
Each day ended with lunch and additional camaraderie. We can’t thank them enough!